Tag Archives: conexión emocional


Like other industries, BTL marketing has been transformed since its emergence to the present day. A very clear example is what is currently known as marketing 3.0, which, instead of focusing on the product or the target, goes a step further.

 In the industry below the line, the medium is what is evolving, because now, through different actions, an emotional connection with the client is sought. Precisely about this spoke Alejandro Corona, marketing director of Aspel, in his conference “Innovation through emotional connections”, on the second day of the BTL Conference.

One of the first questions mentioned by Alejandro Corona in his presentation was the difference between innovation and creativity: while the second refers to thinking about something new, the second is based on doing it. So the main distinction lies in the implementation of a creative idea.

“Emotions sell” ,said Alejandro Corona in his speech, mentioning that it is through the emotional connection that a brand can directly generate a reaction in the consumer and the shopper.

Emotion, as a pristine psychological factor in human nature, can be divided into four distinct categories: happiness, sadness, anger and worry. These elements work as purchase motives, so both brands and agencies must begin to create materials that connect emotionally.

However, how can information be obtained to generate an emotional connection with the consumer? Alejandro Corona explains that it must be done through research, to know the psyche of the clients and thus be able to obtain the necessary insights to generate campaigns and strategies that generate a powerful impact.

The insights with indispensable” ,said Alejandro Corona, who also said that they are totally necessary to generate campaigns nowadays and that requires, beyond a focus group, an anthropological study.

What strategies work well to connect emotionally with people? Alejandro Corona explains that it can be done through social media; However, he highlighted the relevance of content as “king”, currently in the below the line and in marketing in general.

Source: Alejandro Ramírez – InformaBTL