Inside a point of sale, brands or manufacturers are in a constant struggle to be the ones that stand out the most, as well as being the most favored by the choice of the shopper. For this, in addition to the shelf location, an additional display can be an effective way to gain notoriety in store and get the customer’s attention.

As part of the Trade Marketing area, the additional exhibitions represent key strategies to elevate the promotion of a product, take it into the hands of the consumer, communicate a discount or special offer, and motivate customers to buy, even when this It had not been planned.

To make use of an additional exhibition that really implies an investment, but not an expense, it is important that the brand in question defines its business objectives, as well as initiating a negotiation process with the retailer so that the assembly, design and permanence of the exhibition is as optimal and effective as possible.

It may be the case that you have a recent release, which is a great opportunity to use this strategy, but it is necessary to define with caution the use of this additional space and reach an agreement with the retailer, price club or other point of sale in question.

Marketing that complements the exhibition

As it happens with the space allocated in shelf or shelves within a category, it is recommended that in an additional display also the manufacturer supports with other BTL marketing strategies to favor its promotion and thus get the client to stop to look and finish buying the product shown there.

In this sense, the following three marketing actions are suggested to boost the additional exhibitions.

  • POP material: seasonal decorations, striking stands with the name of the brand visible, light inside and different designs, are some of the elements that will make pop material an effective resource.
  • Proof of product: leaving a little product within reach of the shopper, or having a promoter near the exhibition raises the possibility of the consumer approaching to look, try and even buy.
  • Visible prices and promotions: it is important that the client be informed if there is a special price or offer, so that when he sees it, he not only attends the exhibition, but also acquires the product.

