Tag Archives: retail



 Is your brand ready for changes in the Retail?

At present, many companies seem to have an uncertain future if they do not adapt in time.

According to the CISCO report of “Customer Experience in 2020”, 70% of purchasing decisions will be based on the experience of the consumer, who is now more demanding, empowered and with a variety of alternatives in products and services.

On technological advances, its development and innovation such as robotics, virtual reality and artificial intelligence are some tools that are beginning to work through startups. An example of this is Mastercard, who has launched in Peru its first chatbot with artificial intelligence.

Now retail will have to give real value solutions giving more importance to its customers than to its own company applying the trend of purchase based on experience.

Studies confirm that the most precious thing for the consumer is their time, that is why the retailers will have to work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to adapt to the consumer’s time.

Knowing the preferences of consumers will be of vital importance to know their tastes, level and frequency of consumption. Anticipating what a client says or thinks about what to buy to offer tempting incentives is important to gain their attention.

And your company, are you ready for the next generation?


70% of the consumption is made through the traditional channel and the wineries are a very strong element in the purchase of the Peruvian.

The traditional channel in Peru is one that allows you to sell a product to the consumer through markets, warehouses and kiosks.

Among the main characteristics of the traditional channel is that the number of points of sale does not decrease despite the growth of the modern channel. In addition, it is the main means for sales of the categories of first necessity.

The economic situation causes the shopper to take refuge in the traditional channel and make daily purchases, hitting the self-service channel that is designed to generate a greater purchase routine.

“The average family makes small or medium purchases in the traditional channel. More than 80% of the shopper’s spending is by basic categories, “said Cecilia Ballarin, Client Development Manager of Kantar Worldpanel.

In the interior of Peru, the wineries and markets continue at the top, reflecting more than 90% of sales; and in the case of the capital, 70%.

The traditional channel responds especially to the need of a population whose income is daily or weekly, a population that represents more than 50% of the EAPO that forces them to make the purchase on a daily basis, with a small volume and in a nearby place.

It should be noted that the markets and warehouses are a distribution channel more than the companies choose to take their products to the consumer in the most complete, efficient and economic way possible.


– Price is a key element

– There is little brand fidelity

– Daily or weekly income with little access to credit

– Daily purchase frequency

– Does not have own transport

– The high informality of the traditional channel allows to have low operating costs and therefore good prices


The wineries are present in our day to day.

These stores compete with the modern commerce that little by little has managed to advance in its penetration in the last 20 years.

“70% of the consumption is done through the traditional channel and the wineries are a very strong element in the purchase of the Peruvian,” said Yadira Kawasaki, business development manager of Fundes Peru.

To date, there are approximately 400,000 wineries throughout Peru, of which about 200,000 are concentrated in Lima on average.

Today, the challenge of the wineries is to renew, diversify and improve the services they offer their customers against the competition.

“The winemakers must diversify the forms of payment and that is not only cash because they are competing with the convenience and discount stores that have implemented POS. A differentiated offer of services and products will allow entrepreneurs to begin to feel the impact on their businesses, “Kawasaki told Peru Retail.

He also said that they want winemakers to realize the important role they have in people’s daily lives.

However, the wineries have great challenges to be able to compete with the convenience and discount businesses.

“Today its new competition is convenience stores and discount, because there is a vacuum that the winemakers have not filled, composed of modernity and technology,” said Víctor Guaylupo Marroquín, director of the School of Business Development of Arca Continental Lindley.


For the winemaker, the sale of beverages will always be important, approximately 20% of the total. That is, 1 out of every 4 that goes in buys a big or small drink.

Among the buyers, the drinks represent 44% of their spending per purchase trip (average of 6 soles per soft drink).

Source: PerúRetail



The visual and sensorial aspects in a store are fundamental to be able to specify the sale and generate brand positioning.

The visual aspects in a store are fundamental to be able to specify the sale and generate brand positioning.

Visual merchandising is a strategic tool that involves the generation of an attractive, sensory and emotional environment to encourage purchase in the user using all available physical space.

The consumer should be attracted to the products displayed in the store, for that it is important to ensure that the visual aspects are in harmony and that they are in trend.

To be able to make the purchase, it is important that the items in the store are organized and ranked around the concept of this. These elements involve the products, lighting, furniture, showcases, typography and colors on the signs, among others.


Aromas: The sensory senses are important in the shopping experience, therefore, companies select a particular aroma that is present in all its premises and even impregnated in the clothes so that the user can easily identify it.

Lighting: Depending on the products of the store you can find a different lighting and according to the theme of the place. Department stores tend to have more dynamic lighting, while specialty stores such as boutiques tend to be more subtle in terms of lighting to highlight certain products.

Signag: The graphic immersed in the store has a very important identity component, however, the function of guiding the customer inside the store is also important. The testers, boxes, counters, section of shopping bags must be well distributed to ensure that traffic is agile.


In both cases, what you want to achieve is to project a consistent brand image and that the buyer can recognize it just by looking at the appearance of the store, colors, smell, furniture, among other things.

This is why the choice of all these elements should be consistent with what the brand wants to convey to consumers and how they want the competition to see it. The colors as well as the typography, are aspects that determine the style of the products as well as the personality that is wanted to transmit to the objective public.


These two activities need to work aligned to the brand concept. The visual merchandising what it achieves is to retain the user in the store thanks to all the visual and sensorial elements and to encourage it to the purchase, the key is to create a close environment with the client, who feels comfortable in the store and who returns in the shortest possible time.

On the other hand, window dressing is responsible for capturing the greatest possible traffic in the surroundings close to the store. This action is responsible for attracting the attention of buyers who are a few meters away from the store and who in passing are interested in the products by the type of showcase assembly found in the showcases.

The value proposal must be identified and be able to mark what is the trend for the consumer and the item in which the store is located. If it is a clothing store, the armed showcase should have the latest trend in that area and make it look like something unique.

Similarly, stores such as toy stores, accessory stores, sports, among others, create a context around their products and the space itself in the shop window. While the experience that emerges from the products is more real seen from outside the showcase, the customer will enter without any doubt.

Source: Perú Retail


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Los cambios en el sector retail están sucediendo muy rápido y es que la incorporación de la tecnología a la vida diaria de todos ha hecho que queramos realizar cualquier actividad a través de diferentes dispositivos tecnológicos con lo que contamos, lo que lleva a las empresas a tener una comunicación efectiva con su consumidor a través de diferentes canales. Por otro lado, los retailers también incorporan aspectos innovadores en el punto de venta, con la finalidad de atraer más público hacia sus tiendas. Es por eso que veremos algunas tendencias que estamos o estaremos viendo en la industria retail.

La compra se ha vuelto social

Para el consumidor hablar de su vida y actividad en internet se ha convertido en una costumbre, por lo que la compra también se ha vuelto un tema de conversación. El

70 % de los consumidores realiza búsquedas sobre el producto que va adquirir en sitios webs antes de comprarlo. Los retailers ya no pueden ser un observador de estas conversaciones, deben participar necesariamente de manera activa creando contenido alrededor de los productos y el punto de venta, que provoque que el consumidor considere realizar la compra y no sólo ello, sino también que cree un vínculo de fidelidad con las marcas de su  preferencia a mediano plazo.

El poder de los Millennials

En estos días, este grupo de personas son de gran influencia están modificando la manera de tener una experiencia de compra. Se cree que para el 2017 este grupo tendrá mayor poder de compra que cualquier otra generación, por lo que es importante tener en cuenta sus hábitos de consumo, así como la manera en la que desarrollan sus actividades, para que las empresas de retail puedan impactar positivamente en las diferentes plataformas sociales que utilizan y con ello lograr un efecto de atracción hacia sus puntos de venta.

BIG DATA como generador de insights

Durante los últimos años se ha hablado bastante de BIG DATA y la manera en que nos proporciona información valiosa para tomar decisiones. El avance acelerado de la tecnología ha hecho que no nos preocupemos demasiado sobre cómo obtener la información, por lo que el reto se convierte necesariamente en la interpretación de dichos datos para obtener insights valiosos sobre lo que nuestro consumidor está esperando y teniendo como expectativa a la hora de ir a un punto de venta para satisfacer una necesidad.

Independientemente de las tendencias, el foco siempre deberá ser el consumidor y el profundo conocimiento que tengamos de él nos llevará a desarrollar estrategias y acciones en el punto de venta que tengan como consecuencia su satisfacción por consiguiente el desplazamiento de productos.

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Markup: Text Alignment


This is a paragraph. It should not have any alignment of any kind. It should just flow like you would normally expect. Nothing fancy. Just straight up text, free flowing, with love. Completely neutral and not picking a side or sitting on the fence. It just is. It just freaking is. It likes where it is. It does not feel compelled to pick a side. Leave him be. It will just be better that way. Trust me.

Left Align

This is a paragraph. It is left aligned. Because of this, it is a bit more liberal in it’s views. It’s favorite color is green. Left align tends to be more eco-friendly, but it provides no concrete evidence that it really is. Even though it likes share the wealth evenly, it leaves the equal distribution up to justified alignment.

Center Align

This is a paragraph. It is center aligned. Center is, but nature, a fence sitter. A flip flopper. It has a difficult time making up its mind. It wants to pick a side. Really, it does. It has the best intentions, but it tends to complicate matters more than help. The best you can do is try to win it over and hope for the best. I hear center align does take bribes.

Right Align

This is a paragraph. It is right aligned. It is a bit more conservative in it’s views. It’s prefers to not be told what to do or how to do it. Right align totally owns a slew of guns and loves to head to the range for some practice. Which is cool and all. I mean, it’s a pretty good shot from at least four or five football fields away. Dead on. So boss.

Justify Align

This is a paragraph. It is justify aligned. It gets really mad when people associate it with Justin Timberlake. Typically, justified is pretty straight laced. It likes everything to be in it’s place and not all cattywampus like the rest of the aligns. I am not saying that makes it better than the rest of the aligns, but it does tend to put off more of an elitist attitude.


La Adaptación del Retail y las Nuevas Tecnologías

El consumidor se ha convertido en usuario avanzado, necesita acceder a la información en todo momento, emplea múltiples dispositivos conectados y tiene experiencias que abarcan cada vez más elementos y escenarios. Son las marcas las que tienen que jugar con todo ello y tenerlo muy en cuenta para crear las experiencias que se ajusten a sus nuevas necesidades.

El comprador ya no se satisface con un buen producto, quiere más. Necesita que su experiencia de consumo y contacto con la marca sea personal, llamativa y sobre todo que se cree una relación consumidor – marca.

Una de los puntos claves para crear esta relación es el retail, aunque algunos solo lo ven como un cliché, el retail tiene que adaptarse a los tiempos modernos si quiere seguir conectando con los consumidores y si quiere seguir estando a la altura de las expectativas de los consumidores. Las tiendas tienen que ser capaces de fusionar su presencia física con un boom de elementos ‘techie’ (tecnología), la experiencia en el punto de venta y la presencia como marca (retail) debe estar a la vanguardia de forma física como digital. El error de muchas es a ver incursionado en el mundo digital, potenciando éste medio con lo último en tecnología, descuidando su retail en tienda.